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The Liberty Early Childhood School PTO is a non-profit group of parents, teachers, and staff dedicated to improving the educational experience of all students at Liberty ECS. Our goals are to encourage interaction between family and school, serve as a source of support, and work with teachers, staff, and the community at large to improve our children's educational experience. The PTO works closely with the school administration to meet this goal.

We are only as strong and effective as our members, so we encourage families to get involved with PTO. Please consider helping in any way that fits your schedule. The amount of time you spend participating in PTO activities is up to your discretion; anything is greatly appreciated. You can find information regarding our monthly meetings, upcoming events, and ways to volunteer in the PTO section of the weekly email from the LECS Principal. You can always contact us anytime at

PTO News

many hands holding up hearts with school in the background and adults volunteering

Volunteer Opportunities and Upcoming Events from your PTO.

Meet Our Board

President Pam Carlson 
secretary Laura Arand


From the President

July 21, 2023

Welcome to the PTO Corner!  My name is Pam Carlson, your PTO President for the 2023-2024 school year.  I am so excited to come alongside you as we plan some great events for our students and staff.  There are still positions that we need filled in order to provide a stellar year for your Leopard and Liberty Staff!

We will have our first PTO meeting on Thursday, August 10 at 6:30 pm in the HUB.  Please join us to learn more about what we want to plan this year.

Also, be sure to mark your calendars for our Back to School Bash on Friday, August 11 from 4 to 6 pm on the playground.  We will have Special Neat Treats selling ice cream for purchase.  This will also be another chance to check out the PTO and purchase Liberty spirit wear for your Leopard!

Open Positions Available:

Vice President of Communications - makes sure that the yearbook, social media, and the website committees are supported and running smoothly.

Treasurer - keeps records of the money used for the PTO.

District Parent Council (DPC) Ambassador - Attends the monthly DPC meetings with the school board to learn about what is going on with Lakota schools and is the communication bridge between Liberty and the district.

Read-a-Thon Chair - coordinates the Read-a-Thon Fundraiser in the spring with a team.

If you are interested in any of the above positions, send an email  


PTO Meetings & Events

Contact Us

Two speech bubbles dark blue and teal

WE are here to help! Please direct all Summer School questions to